Garden Reflections…Farmette Friday (Aug 2nd)

2 08 2013

20130802-084909.jpg Awww yeah! The first piece of corn!

I can not believe it is August! The last month of the summer and the beginning of the harvest season. Last night we made a delicious GF braided honey bread and made our fresh picked blueberries into jam. It was almost unbearably delicious.


As we head into to harvest season I can’t help but reflect on what is being harvested… And I do mean more than just vegetables. As I sit and enjoy our little farmette that we created I see an abundance of green beans and tomatoes, there is corn, though smaller than I imagined. The peppers were scarce but there were a few. The snap peas were disappointing… but I learned that they don’t do as well growing among the corn as they do on trellises. There is squash just starting to blossom, it will need a little nurturing before it’s ready to harvest and the chickens need time to mature to get some eggs.

In life, you sow the seeds of new beginnings…some become things that bring you an abundance of joy and sometimes they bring disappointment. There are lessons in those times. There are also tough choices to make… I could get my peas by tearing down the corn but I’d lose the corn. I could get eggs sooner if I gave my birds hormones but that could cause health issues and shorten their life. What sacrifice could I make in life that might bring another dream to fruition and would it be worth sacrificing? Would patience be the better option? What can I “weed” out in my life in order to nurture the things I want to harvest?

What are you harvesting? 🙂

Farmette Friday 7/26

26 07 2013

No motivation today… It’s rainy and chilly. This was last night’s garden fresh side dish. I just cooked the green beans and added feta, pepper, oil and apple cider vinegar. I thought with the crazy amount of tomatoes we planted we would have a bumper crop… But we eat them just as fast as they grow. The kids eat veggies straight off the vine like candy. My son told his pediatrician that his favorite veggie was green beans off the vine, to which she exclaimed “Raw?!, (turning to me) that’s fantastic!”

Mom, for the win 🙂